Would You Drive Blindfolded?

Anyone who has ever taken an Analytics course with me will tell you about this simple comparison: 

Marketing to a website without proper analytics tracking is like driving with a blindfold - you don't know where you're going or how fast you're getting there.

Proper tracking is absolutely critical to improving your marketing efforts and answering some of the most basic questions for your website, like

  • How many visitors came to my website last month?
  • How much of my website traffic is mobile compared to desktop?
  • Where in the world did my web traffic come from?

How This Course Helps

This course will walk you through the entire process for setting up Google Analytics (both Google Analytics 4 and Universal Analytics) for your lead generation website. Through self-paced video lessons, you'll see the exact steps you need to follow so you don't ever drive blindfolded again!

Please note that this course is designed for lead generation websites (focused on form completions) and does not cover the implementation of e-commerce features. It's also geared toward small businesses, but most of it will apply to larger lead generation businesses as well.


  • 1


    • Course Introduction

    • Universal Analytics (UA) vs Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

    • Quick Note on Implementing Google Analytics 4 and Universal Analytics

    • Before We Start

  • 2

    Setting Up Your Google Analytics and Tag Manager Accounts

    • What's the Deal with Tag Manager?

    • Setting Up Your Tag Manager Account (Both GA4 and UA)

    • Setting Up Your Google Analytics 4 Account (GA4)

    • Setting Up Your Universal Analytics Account (UA)

  • 3

    Installing Tag Manager on Your Website

    • Installing Tag Manager on a WordPress Website (Both GA4 and UA)

    • Installing Tag Manager on a SquareSpace Website (GA4 and UA)

    • Installing Tag Manager on a Wix Website (GA4 and UA)

    • Installing Tag Manager on Other Websites (GA4 and UA)

  • 4

    Connecting Tag Manager and Google Analytics

    • Important Note Before Starting

    • Connecting GA4 to Tag Manager (GA4)

    • Connecting Universal Analytics to Tag Manager (UA)

  • 5

    Let's Track Some Conversions!

    • Tracking Form Completions in Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

    • Tracking Form Completions in Universal Analytics (UA)

    • Your Platform May Have Its Own Conversion Tracking

  • 6

    Testing & Reports

    • Testing Your Implementation (GA4 and UA)

    • GA4 Reports Overview (GA4)

    • Universal Analytics Reports Overview (UA)

    • Collecting Demographic Data via Google Signals (GA4 and UA)

  • 7

    Wrapping Up

    • Thank You!

    • Contacting Kim

    • Course Feedback Survey

About Your Instructor

Founder of Floodlight Training & Consulting

Kim McCumber

After working at a downtown Chicago marketing agency for several years, I launched their first formal training curriculum and trained hundreds of marketers, business professionals and executives on a variety of online marketing topics including Google AdWords, social media marketing, web analytics and more. In 2014, I discovered a new calling in helping small businesses and entrepreneurs navigate the world on online marketing. In addition to actively managing Google Ads campaigns for clients and consulting in various areas of online marketing, I'm also a regular speaker at conferences large and small. My goal is simple - I want to help as many small businesses and entrepreneurs as I possibly can. That's what gets me out of bed in the morning and nothing would make me happier than the opportunity to help you!

What You'll Learn

Here's a quick overview of what you'll learn in this course

  • Setting Up Tag Manager

  • Implementing Google Analytics (UA & GA4)

  • Conversion Tracking

  • Short Reports Overview
